arrrgghhhh! i was scolded by someone at the gym yesterday because she thought i was looking at her. ceh!!!! ok...maybe it was my fault to look at her or to be specific 'the situation'. i know the feeling, Missy! but it was the hoister that caught my attention...not you! to be honest...when the theraphysts brought her in with the hoister and the high-backed wheelchair, i was eager to look at the equipments because it reminds me of 2 years ago. mcm konon2 seronok la tgk...mcm ala2 rindu gitu :)). bukan rindu nak rase tue sume. cume mcm..."aku dulu gitula..."
that lady thought i was loking at her weirdly. ceiiittt!!! her right leg ONLY was covered with a bandage and she was a bit 'lemau' at first. but when she noticed me....pehhhh terus jadik emo x tentu pasal.
Missy: ape pandang2??? awak tak tau rase dia mcm mane! x payahla nak pandang2 heran!
Me: smiled... sorryla....saye bukan pandang awak mcm pelik ke ape. cume saye teringat saye dulu mcm mane je. maybe awak lagi teruk sbb saye dulu ade fractures kat left femur, tapak tangan kiri, sacrum, pelvic, doctor pakaikan pulak external fixator kat pelvic tue pastue saye ade concussion kat left brain SAJE (hahah reverse psychology konon2). sorryla kalo awak x suke org pandang2 sbb saye dulu pon mcm tue. org pandang mcmla kite nie cacat. kene gune hoister, high-backed wheelchair...commode... crutches
Missy: terdiam
Physiotheraphysts: senyum
i shouldn't look at her emm wait a minute...the equipments!...i know. tapi mase tu mcm nampak kwn lame. hahahahhah. i was really sorry for her AT FIRST. but after she scolded me terus lantak ko la....good luck la.... patotnye sume nie senang jela utk ko. aku pon x marah org!
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
emo missy tu tgh klimax kot, hehe..
ntahnye. Dia rase dia plg unlucky agaknye. Aku dulu pon tension gak kalo org pdg2 tp x pernah lg nak emo gitu kat org. Masalahnye, aku bkn tgk dia!
cik adie,slmt hr raye ekk...ako beraya kt bagan serai (sbelah kuala kurau jek :D) ari selasa-rabu....mane tau terserempak tgh jalan nnti...
slamat ari raye jugak nana. mintak maapla pape. kot aku makan tosai shamini terlebey ke di dorm d mase spm, kot aku salah passing bola ketika netball, kot aku saje2 sapu sampah n jatuhkan habuk2 ke dorm b dr atas, kot aku x mengcover ko dengan baik dr cikgu ismail dan bermcm2 kot lagik. (itu sume hanye kot...sesungguhnye aku pon dah lupe kejahatan aku...mintak maapla sume yg ko teringat ye :P)
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