My darling baby has a tiny kemetot tooth now...or should i say teeth? thanks to sarah who asked me whether Adief dah ade gigi. sungguh masin mulut kamu cik puan sarah :)).
He was sitting on my lap and munching my palm when suddenly uiksss saketlah sayang...... I saw a tiny red dot on my palm and when i tried to see his gum....dia jelir lidah :)). so I asked Kerol Laling to have a look yesterday morning. pon payah sbb Adief asyik jelir lidah. org kate bukak mulut, lidah dia bg! :)). but finally he managed to see the little angel. awwwww u have grown up, darling.
We, the Adnan tribe went to Oneworld Hotel to break fast. niat di hati konon leh makan dengan tenang. biase x ramai org kat situ, tapi bukan bulan pose la. skalik....masyaAllah....ramainye org! luckily we have booked a table. tapi mak oiiiiii, panas jadiknye sbb ramai sgt org. My brother and SIL arrived a bit late, just a few minutes before azan. anyways....nice foods... but I was a bit uncomfortable with the atmosphere. sesak. If anyone of you would like to go to somewhere else to break fast, try to go to KLGCC or Dewan Perdana Felda or Eastin. but i went there to break fast a few years ago....tataula skang cane. i've never tried Sime Darby Convention Centre but Abah said ok jugak.... all in all...makan di rumah lagi best :)) tapi yg beli kat bazaar ramadhan la :)). bulan pose ni... dapo umah nie berasap sekejap jek.
Thanks to abah n mama for the cradle. they bought Adief a travelling cradle for this coming Hari Raya. all of us as well as Pak Tam's family and Pak Su's family will be staying at a hotel in Parit Buntar because Mak Ngah's house will be sgt sesak. there'll be about 30 persons in that house...with 1 bathroom. horror! mandi raya pukul 3 ptg agaknye. that house is huge...but the toilet is only 1. furthermore....agak payah utk keadaan saye, anak saye dan SIL saye who is currently growing a new member of Adnan tribe in her belly.
ok....nak gesel2 kat Adief. Mommy ade physio arini. Gonna miss u sayang. Mase baring buat traction, electrodes ngan ice packs, otak khayal pk pasal anak (nak ilangkan saket sebenonye hahahah).
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
take care adie..lama ek x chat :)
yeayyyyyyyyyy dah ada gigi.jgn geget mommy tau.cepat adief besar.he tak meragam nak kuar gigi?
waa..da ade gigi...mesti comel... :)
nad: i am taking extra good care of myself. hanya untukmu Adief. hahahha`. haah...malas nak kaco busy woman mcm ko.
sarah: x meragam pon. tapi mmg dr dulu perangai dia asek nak marah jek. xleh lambat,xleh x layan mcm2 lah! byk songeh!
cik wan: kecik kemetot
oittt!!! tk sempat reply msg ko...tgh menngejar maisarah lari kulu kilir...huhuh bestnyer gigi cepat..nyum2...apa laie..sumbat laie macam2 ...bior debab debom...wweeeeee
ko mmg debum laa...aku ley bayang gaye ko explain kt missy tuh...hahhaha sengal
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