Abang n Kak Eijad went back to K.L on the 1st Hari Raya tue...petangla. We stayed at Mak Ngah's house and melantak like there's no tomorrow :)). pastue balik otel...tidoooo.
2nd raya lak....gi kampong semule... bakar ikan keli that we bought at Parit Buntar... Abah n Kerol Laling nak menjala kat parit depan umah.... we used to 'menangguk' kat bendang. yes... the house... the previous house was in the middle of the paddy field. abah n kerol got various types of fish like sepat n puyu.
Adief with mommy outside the houseKerol Laling menjala
ikan keli bakar...nyum nyum! i like!
selingan.....yes...he has 2 teeth now! and he also can sit...ape org tua ckp? duduk katak?
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
fuhh...ziemlich geil geil geill..siap bleh manjala kt tepi rumah..best wehh kampung ko..
dulu2 kitorang masuk bendang kejar ikan, tangguk ikan. skang air dah cetek. ikan kurang dah.
tomeyyy nyer si lebai kecik tuh...giler dh besar adief eh...cepat giler....
tuela. rase mcm baru jek masuk sepital nak bersalin. hahaha.
comelnyer famili ni..suka sgt tgok...leh jd family contoh..siyes...suka2...adief y chomel sgt...
adie...gambar yg adie dukung adief tu comel gile dia ketawa....
cepat nye dia membesar....=)
lasak gile skang! letih nak control. guling sane sini, capai itu ini, tendang sume mende :)). happy boy si bulat nie :)).
hahaha...lasak?tgk le mommy nye dulu pun mase kat sekolah boleh tahan lasak gak ape...hehehhe...ape2 pun, yg penting dia happy kan...heheheh....
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