We are back! fuh!!! sungguh penat! ok..mari kite mulekan! ari jumaat tue....abang n kak eijad tido umah..... pagi tue sahur ramai2...termasuklah adief! hahahhaha. Adief nie ikot sahur 1st ramadhan ngan last :)). kul 9.30...sent our maid to her aunt' place...kul 10, sent our cats for boarding.... gedebak gedebuk gerak ramai2....xdela ramai mane pon...2 cars jek :P. Pak Tam dah gerak awal sket and Mak Tam did the charity work by msging us informing us about the traffic. hahhahahah. mmg MasyaAllah!. sepanjang2 tue la jam! biase paling lame pon 4 hrs nak sampai....but we took 6 hrs to arrive at our destination! sampai2...checked in....mandi, solat JQ....off we went to the village. ketupat sume dah siap masak...ayam golek, daging merah, sepat, murtabak pisang and more! bukak pose....and the boys (including bapak2) played mercun.
mommy keletihan... Adief keseronokan
dekat2 midnight...off we went back to the hotel....tidoooooo. esok pagi...the men went for sembahyang raya...kami2 bersiap....mandikan Adief...melaram2 sket :))....buat teh, minum2... balik jek derang, maka bermulelah sesi bermaaf2an di bilik mama. hahahhaha. lepas tue, turun lobby, Pak Tam sume dah tunggu. amek gambar family lak, Pak Tam amekkan...then we went straight away to the village.
to be continued...
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
aaaa encem anak bujang ni...sama colour bju melayu dgn rafiq..
tuela...read ur post n saw his pics....eh eh same kaler laaaa :))
alahai comeinyeeee... geram tgk his big eyes :)
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