-17 months with no red light
-17 months no coffee
-6 months bf exclusively
-8 months bf directly
-17 months no facial treatments (damn!)...except for threading :)
-17 months no flu, fever etc (alhamdulillah). Even until now, my family/husband jage mcm org tgh berpantang. Setitik hujan pon xleh kene! barang berat xleh angkat. Mcm Queen i! :))
-2 months-> cook for my baby every morning, right after subuh.
-6 months-> milo everyday
-45 days ikan haruan....i like! Mama's ikan haruan is the best!
-8 months not enough sleep
-9 months morning sickness....muntah2 everyday.
-17 months no cinema
and the list goes on...
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
Tu la..mcm2 sacrifice kite kene buat utk sikecik ni kan..tapi in the end, its all worth it :) <--muke puas ati haha.. (hopefully they'll grow up to be anak yg soleh, aminn)
sonok ade baby ni :D. susah ape pon, puas hati bile jage anak sendiri.
those are the things we sacrifice for thembut its all worth it.esp bab BF kan.....adief semakin bam bam n cerdik.....bila nak jumpa aunty?
Adief dah x bam bam dah :)). Doctor kate sbb bile baby dah mule active semcm... guling sane sini, merangkak ape sume tue.....dia akan jadik ringan. mcm kitela... kalo exercise tue...leh slim :)). jumpe aunty bile aunty ade kat kl la :D
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