well...maybe not THAT heavy...but i think that's heavy enough for me. hahahah. but come to think of it..he was just a 2kg++ baby. Adief is 8.8kg now at 7 mth. very talkative (in his baby language, of course)...duk mamamama bahbahbah gehgehgeh. sgt suke berguling2. dr hujung tilam ke hujung lagi satu. anddddd i miss his poops before hahahhahah. he has no interest. sgt cepat boring si bulat nie. so x pernah buat pape activity yg same. kene tukar slalu. same goes with his meals.
I've started my physiotherapy back a few weeks ago and I have one session today. I think it's getting harder than before. tataula sbb dah lame x buat ke ape. I have to do the back exercise, legs exercise, use the electrodes, traction and baring atas ice packs (mengalahkan berlari2 kejar bus no.19 mase winter, hate it!). Luckily i've already cooked his porridge right after sahur to make it easier for mama yg kene jage dia nanti. expressed my milk already yg belum tentu dia nak sbb Adief taknak botol. yg dia tau....bottles are only for warm water because he uses one while having his food. and no formula yet. uuurrrggghhhh! kalo susu mommy dah kurang nanti cane???
ok everyone.... enjoy these pics ya!
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
beseri molek abe Bik!!!
Sek2 MRSM Beseri ko?
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