we didnt go to anywhere on 18th August to celebrate our anniversary since it was raining. payah nak pegi ke kete since i parked my car outside, near the surau in front of our house karena....dlm dah xde space.
anyways...the whole family and a few of abah's staffs went for dinner at Stesen Keretapi Victoria on 19th August. Abah banjer derang sbb tolong2 mase reception abang and cukur jambul Adief at Singgahsana Hotel. They even got kain utk buat baju raya each. Malam tue...just like last year...i couldnt have a good night sleep.... Tatau pesal... nak kate teringat the incident, x logic. I was unconscious for 2 weeks after the car accident on 19th August 2007. nak ingat ape. yerp....it happened a day after our 1stttt wedding anniversary. nak lupe cane...ye tak? kesimpulannye...mmg xleh tido that night.
sedikit ketinggalan zaman. u know Ayat-ayat Cinta? hahahha mestilah tau. i never like Indonesian movies. but this one.... sgt bermutu! watched it on TV3 last Friday. pehhhhhh! not like typical Indonesian movie. But my friend said....novel dia lagik best. biasela tue....mcm Da Vinci Code la. novel dia mmg superb lah! hm...maybe i should buy the ayat2 cinta novel lah! Tetibe terase nak tgk that night sbb heran..mcm mane abah yang x pernah suke ape2 movie pon sbb life dia hanye kerja kerja kerja. hahahhah. tapi abah pernah tgk ayat2 cinta sampai habis kat astro. hm...mesti bermutu ni. yes!!!! mmg bermutu!
okla...have to stop bebel now. need to watch Adief since his daddy is not feeling well/tired ape bagai sume. poor my husband :(.
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
Panjangkan sikit entry tu. Cerita pasal jejaka bersifat Fahri kat Luebeck ni. hahhahahahah
xnak ah. Aku nak tlg ko supaye x diterajang fahd je.
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