All about Adief n Mommy
- he knows how to turn himself (ngiring, meniarap)
- baby talk 24/7
- mommy's milk ONLY....directly....tolak la 3 times....not 3 days...3 times using the bottle....tue pon x habis.
- always wants to follow mommy, atuk and tok ma! nampak atuk gi keje...nanges...nampak mommy kuar bilik....dia jerit2 panggil....tok ma pakai tudung pon merengek.
- mommy is still struggling with the postpartum hair loss. bilekah akan berakhir?
- no 'red light' for 15 months
- no coffee since the first day of pregnancy
- bertekak dgn mommy everyday! mase mandi n mase pakaikan dia diaper ngan baju. he cant stay at one place!
- i dont know how much i've spent for his diapers....berak besar taik lalat azean irdawaty pon bising dah! and he pees a lot nowadays.
what happened on Sunday, 2nd August 2009?
Adief had his 1st solid food.
6.10 a.m. - mommy woke up and performed solat subuh
6.20 a.m.- bf Adief...just a few minutes only....takot tetibe dia lapar pulak mase mommy kat dapo
6.30 am.- cooked his congee.... no other ingredients... plain advised by Dato' Azizi..... prepared his bath tub, toiletries, clothes......also his bib and bumbo seat (maybe we should buy him a high-chair sbb peha Adief dah tersangkut kat Bumbo Seat). baring beside him and watched him sleeping. awwww u r a big boy now darling....jgn lupe mommy eh besar nanti...
8.30 a.m- Adief woke up...mandikan Adief.....
9.00 a.m- Adief had his 1st meal...I only put 3 tbsp..continued with mommy's milk
10.00 a.m- went to OU and bought cod, salmon, bananas, apples, cinnamon powder, broccolis and be used paling cepat lusa...Dato' Azizi said I should give him just plain congee then only I can mix it with other ingredients like fish, vege etc....
12.30 p.m.- went home
12.45 p.m.- Adief had his lunch. siap tambah sekali. Then Abah had to carry him away because he wanted more ....suruh stop makan since Dato' Azizi kate mule2 jgn bg banyak2. he screamed at the top of his lungs. marah! poor mommy's boy.....u like mommy's plain congee eh? hahahhahha.
1.30 p.m- tido....sampai 3.18 p.m x bangun2. kekenyangan agaknye hahahha. usually he sleeps 5-15 minutes only. malam je dia tido lame. well...that's a good sign for me i guess hahahha. i can go out to 'repair' myself after 15 months la esok lusa....preparation before Kerol Laling comes home. hahhahahha.
6.00 p.m- dinner...
2nd day...
he had about 4 tbsp congee this morning... and as usual...continued with mommy's milk.... no formula...yet... I tried to give him some yesterday.....menjerit sakan! awwwww....u like mommy's more eh? i guess...i will put other ingredients tomorrow...
1st day...
1st day...
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1 year ago
ya Allah adieff niii debobbbb nyerr...geram2...sumbat byk2 mkn ...eee bior debab t...sok2 mommie tokley dukung ler gamoknyer...
eh kerol laling nk balik eh...nyumnyum
eppi 6th month besday adieff..
wahhh..sukenye adief makan..mesti makin bambam dia pasni =) ur paed dato' azizi tu macam best je kan, byk bg advise and info camne nk jaga paed dato' musa tu very bz n so serious la..tak sempat la i nk mintak tips ke apa adief tu mcm sedap, buleh bagi resepi tak?hehehe..
p/s:bestnye u takde kena red lite..i start je keje terus on balik..huhuhu
cik adie,mak ako kate klu ank kite dh start menyembur (main air liur),mulale rmbut mak die gugur...ako xtaula ape kaitannye ako pn dulu byk rmbut ilang...klu mase mndi tuh jgn ckpla,segumpal rmbut tercabut...nk sikat rmbut pn takut...last2 ako cube pki shampoo gamat healin...stakat nh mmg okla,smpai skang ako pki shampoo tuh...rmbut pn tumbuh blk...ko tryle...
nazzian: will write about the so-called adiyanti's recipes later. Hahaha. i amek dato' azizi sbb dia paed my bro. So mcm dah tau la style dia cane. Mule nak dato' musa gak, tp mase admitted tu, nurse tanye i nak sape. Dia kate dato' musa slalu bz.
Nana: hahaha biase dgr gak, tp aku xdela caye. Doctor ckp, ade kaitan hormon2 ni n baby slalu start sembur2 ni mase tue jugak. Tu yg ramai caye rambut gugur sbb baby nyembur haha.
sorryla beb. Aku mls nak beriefa2 ngan ko. Haha. Ha pipah, mmg dia mkn byk. Mkn pon gado ngan aku. Xleh lbt2 suapkan. Ngamuk! Pulak tu.. Leh tido mase makan! Geram aku!
haila..aku pon rasa takut jek nak sikat rambut...sikat jek segumpal kuar..syampoo rambut segumpal kuar...
bole sampai botak ke haaaa?? scarynyee...bile nak stop ni ek?
rasanya alif baru gak start sembur2 and dok meleleh air liur melampau ni..dlu tu ade la sket2..baru2 ni cam extreme gak la aku tgk...huu...tapi rasanya aku punya rambut gugur dlu baru dier dok sebok sembur2..hehehe...
aku pon still green lite jek..hahaha..blom red lagi..:D
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