The farewell party was held at Topaz Ballroom, One World Hotel last Monday. It was organized by TM Wholesale staffs as well as Abah's previous staffs from other divisions. It was a REALLY great event and soooo beautiful. The emcees were A.G and Kieran. They were really good and professional.
There were a lot of performances by TM's staffs, Disagree, AKU, Masha and more. There were also 4 lucky draws and the tukang cabut nombor tasks were given to abang, K. Eijad, me and Kerol Laling.
Before Abah's speech, they presented a video about Abah...32 years with TM I tell ya! and suasane dlm ballroom agak emo sket ketike itu. In that video, the staffs citerla abah nie cane. Serious, tegas tapi habis je waktu keje, sume boleh gelak2 dgn dia sbb abah suke buat klaka, tapi lepas waktu keje je. Sometimes... kalau staffs mcm tgh stress je, takot je mase jumpe dia, dia akan selitkan lawak gak like one lady nie, tgh ckp2, abah selitkan "U awet muda pakai ape eh?" hahahha. They even said that kalo ade meeting, derang mesti betul2 ready and kalo nak masuk bilik Abah, siap bace bismillah. Ade terselit jugak Faizal Ismail citer camne dia n Fara 1st time jumpe Abah before sign contract jadik Duta Italk.
Faizal: Mase mula2 saya jumpe Dato' Nan, saya seperti seorang murid jumpe cikgu disiplinnye. Then...tetibe video gelap jek tapi ade suare pompuan nanges2. I dah leh agak sape. It was Fara! Then she gave her speech. Fara still hospitalized mase buat video tue.
Nak diringkaskan citer, pastue agencies pulak bg speech. There was one guy nie...he told us in his speech how he met Abah to present agency dia punye idea utk advertisement.
Baru 5 minutes present...Abah terus reject. Pehhhhh strict lah u abah! :)). Terpakse la buat yang baru. Pastue...surprise utk Abah...potong birthday cake and ramai2 nyanyi lagu birthday utk Abah and doa. Suddenly I saw one lady walking with crutches into the ballroom. Last time I met her was in Terengganu. It was Fara! Sanggup jugak dia dtg kaki tengah tempang2 tue. She sat beside me...main2 ngan Adief...borak2 ngan Mama and Abah, wished Abah sume. Pastue ramaila org kerumun nak amek gambar dia.
Ya I know...apeke poyo beno nak citer pasal ayah sendirik :P. Well...I'm so proud of him..sape x proud ngan ayah sendirik ye tak? For now...enjoy the pics. Later later donlod video pulak lah ye.
p/s: Jangan tutup pintu rezeki orang... nanti Tuhan balas lagi teruk dr tue...
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
ala..ruginya i tak datang event tu..ish ish ish..a bit menyesal ni..
Hye Faryn.. U TM eh? Yerp.. It was a really beautiful night. Thanks to the whole TM's staffs yg susah payah buat. U patut dtg. That night dia x garang hahaha. Senyum je memanjang sampaila bile kuar video tu. Menitis gakla air mata dia. Sayang sgt dia dgn TM...32 yrs.. Xde company lain.
i dari agency..huhuhu...muka selebet2 dtg hantar barang je....segan ar sume dok mekap sakan..hehe
No la.... the theme was free n easy pun.... pakai jeans pon leh.... bukan mcm nak gi academy award ke ape hahahahha.
Masa nak ambik check kat your dad haritu...ketaq 1 badan. Mam siap tanya dulu kat PA your dad...mood datuk ok ke tak? Then bila ok baru i masuk...dapat lah check dan juga sekotak kurma :D Selamat bersara Tok Nan.
waah, dah bersara dah ur dad? muda lagi tuh. seronok la adief boleh main2 ngan grandpa. u sihat adie? kirim salam kat ur family ye.
Mane ade muda...hahhha...cucu nak 2 dah. Adie sehat....sonok melayan budak lasak nie hahahah.
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