B and C in the house!

on Monday, August 10, 2009

Yayyy! My parents are back from their 'honeymoon' hahaha..andddddddd they bought us sooooo many cooooolll stuffs! errr at least they are cool enough for me :P. I asked them to get me a big shoulder handbag that has enough space for 2-3 diapers, 1 baby wipes, 1 baju si bulat nie and my must-have items. But....they got me 2! yayyyy! Now I have 1 B******* and 1 C***** untuk dibuat melaram. hahahhaha. Abah bought for me 1 big C**** handbag when I was still pregnant and Kak Sue gave me OiOi. Oh byk sungguh bags untuk dibuat melaram. That's the joy of being a mommy! hehehe. They also bought us...the whole family...abang, kak eijad, Kerol Laling, Nabil, Adief and I a few other things. Hm...pegila honeymoon lagi! hahaha.

p/s: I can smell the scents of happiness... Mr. MH, please bring back my husband safely.