sunday oh sunday

on Monday, July 27, 2009

Adief will have his 1st solid food on this Sunday. owh time flies like an arrow :(..... anyways.... we just came back from OU to have our breakfast there....beli pasu2, baja ape bagai sume....mugs to replace mug2 harian kami yg sudah buruk :P....and Adief's food jar untuk dibawa ke mane2 ketika berjalan2 :)). Formula? I bought the Enfalac....the smallest one! hahahhah. takot xmau pulak kang...naya jek bazir beli beso2.
I'm 100% satisfied and proud to see his development..progress nye....gara2 mommy's breast milk! owhhhh wanna cry...isk isk.... no itu no ini lah senang citer. starting from this coming Sunday... i will cook his meals on my him....formula hanye ketike perlu/kecemasan....x sabarnye! *grin*.
ok....he is making noise sudah...gtg..buhbye!!!



Unknown said...

jom kita bukak our own kizsport...hehehe

-ADIE- said...

boleh2..u kuar modal nye... tapi share 50-50 la :))

Unknown said...

hahahahaha.adeh.......tapi u jaga sepenuhnya ya?hahaha